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Devotional Guide for Thursday, February 14

John 13:1-17

When I read this passage I can only imagine how the disciples were feeling when their Lord rose from the table to wash their feet. In the absence of a servant to perform the dirty job of washing the dust off their feet, no one volunteered for the job. I can imagine the disciples looking around, hoping someone else would perform this menial task. And then Jesus did the unthinkable! He willingly lowered Himself to the position of a servant, and one by one, sat before each disciple and washed their feet. I wonder what they were thinking and feeling. Were they embarrassed, ashamed, humbled? Were they shocked that their Lord would assume the very position they were unwilling to be in? In some of His last moments with His disciples, Jesus’ actions were filled with purpose. He knew that the time had come for Him to leave this world. By serving them and showing them the “full extent of his love”, He left a powerful example of what He wanted them to do for each other. Instead of arguing about who was the greatest among them, He taught them to wash each other’s feet, to serve each other in love.

What does that look like for us today? How do we follow Jesus’ example to radically serve the people around us?

Erin Gibbard

VantagePoint3 (Trinity Baptist Church Legacy Foundation) - Rob Loane, President
We at VantagePoint3 are deeply grateful for the many stories and snapshots we have of the patient and deepening work that Jesus has been up to in and among and through us; McKernan Baptist Church is one of these profoundly encouraging snapshots. We appreciate your prayerful and financial partnership in this VP3 mission of helping men and women discover more deeply who God is, who they are, and what God desires to do through them.