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Devotional Guide for Saturday, July 20

Psalm 142

I so appreciate how, as we survey the Psalms we find such rich language to help us communicate with God in any situation we’re facing. It’s not just a book of prayers to celebrate our successes and thankfulness, but we also find Psalms expressing deep sorrow and anguish, and everything in between. This Psalm is one that digs into the messiness of real life. Here David writes about being so overwhelmed with his situation that he doesn’t know what else to do but to turn to the Lord. Have you been there? He writes how everyone is against him, how he has nowhere to go, and of how desperate he is. 
In the midst of his circumstances, David’s prayer to God is that He would rescue him, not in order to go and live a comfortable life, but so he can go out and praise God, and be a testimony to others of God’s goodness. 

If you find yourself in difficult circumstances today, trust that you can be real and honest before God, as we see so often in these Psalms. God can handle it, and we can trust in His goodness.

Pastor Dave


  • Pray that God’s Spirit would work powerfully and effectively in all the various activities taking place on our church calendar this weekend. 
  • Pray for our Young Adults & Worship Arts Pastor, Daunavan Buyer, his family and his interns, Stephen Alksne, Julia Brown, Calvin Robert, and Grant Mix.
  • Pray for our Congregational Life Pastor, Christine Okken. 
  • Pray for our Children’s Ministry Assistant, Kyla Mould.