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Devotional Guide for Thursday, January 19

Mark 4:1-20


If after hearing today’s passage read aloud, someone would ask you for a title of the passage, what would say?  I think most people would say something about the seed or the soil.  While the seed and the soil play a very important part in this passage, the title in my Bible says it’s about the sower.  The parable is about a farmer who goes out and scatters the seed.  He doesn’t hold back. He scatters it freely, and we read that some land on hard path, some on rocky soil, others among thorns, and some on fertile ground.  Now the farmer probably knew the seed would do best in the fertile ground, but he didn’t restrict the seed to just one type of soil.  We have been given the same seeds as this farmer.  We have the Word of God available to us to spread to those around us.  Are we as generous as this farmer in our sharing God’s Word with those around?  

Pastor Terry


  • Pray for all of our small group leaders.
  • Pray for our Pastoral Care Pastors, Sharon Harewood and Christine Okken.
  • Pray for our missionaries of the week, Calvin and Susanne Hohn, NAB Missionaries, Field Director, Cameroon. The Hohns serve in the critical role of leading and coordinating NAB missionary ministries in Cameroon. However, they are currently finishing up the second half of their year on home assignment. Calvin is traveling to many churches to give updates and thank them for their support while Susanne and their daughters, Elianna and Ysabelle, are thoroughly enjoying many of the advantages of North America, like spending time with family. Pray that the second half of their home assignment would continue to be invigorating and renewing.