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Devotional Guide for Tuesday, October 9

Acts 13:13-35 

This past summer I attended the NAB Triennial Conference. One of the speakers, Don Davis, drove home the point that our lives are not all about us, but about God. In this passage we see Paul preaching in the synagogue. He begins the Gospel story by going back in history and pointing out how it was all about God. God chose, He prospered, He led, He endured, He overthrew. God gave, God removed, God made, God brought. He sent the message of salvation to us, He raised, He promised, He fulfilled. All this calls for a response to the offer of salvation. 

It is a spiritual discipline to look back over the course of our lives and look for God’s actions. It is amazing and humbling to see how He has orchestrated our lives to bring us into relationship with Him, causing our lives to grow in depth as well as width. It is awesome to hear others tell their stories and see how God has formed their lives, drawing them to Himself. May we constantly be aware of Him working in our lives and in the lives of others. It is all about Him. 

Jerilyn Bayer


  • For those who need to be encouraged in heart and united in love.
  • Pray through the prayer page in the bulletin.
  • Pray for Pastor Dan, our Lead Team Pastor and his family. 
  • Pray for our Lead Team Pastor Intern, Robyn Crown.
  • Pray for our Hospitality Coordinator, Irene Dickau.