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Devotional Guide for Friday, November 29

Lamentations 3:19-36

What does it look like to foster hope in God in the midst of the difficulties that we face? I know that for many people in our church family this has been a very difficult season. Some have faced loss of jobs, others have lost loved ones, others are going through significant health challenges themselves. It can be easy to get overwhelmed in the midst of all of these things and lose perspective on where God is and what hope looks like in the face of challenges. The passage that we read today lives in the tension of wrestling through pain and hardship while declaring that the hope we have ultimately comes from the God who loves us and is strong enough to save us. One of the promises in this passage is that “His mercies are new every morning.” What this tells me is that in the midst of difficulty we don’t need to have a master plan, we don’t need to know how it’s all going to come together, we don’t need to know why things are happening the way that they are. We just need to take it one day at a time, receiving what we need from our good God each new day, receiving His mercy, His faithfulness, receiving His hope. If you are in a tough season right now I encourage you to read this passage through a few times slowly. Let these prayers give language to your own prayers today.

Pastor Daunavan


  • Pray for our Lead Team Pastor, Terry Okken. 
  • Pray for Erin Gibbard, Youth Ministry Assistant.
  • Pray for all our small group leaders, and our Small Group Intern Isaac Lee. 
  • Pray for the ministry of International Student Ministries.