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Devo Guide for Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Psalm 115


This writer has open eyes for his neighbourhood. A lot of them have started to worship idols.  And the more they lean into their idols, the more the song writer sees similarities between the idols and the ones worshipping them: “they cannot speak; cannot see;… cannot hear” etc.

When I think about my own life, so often my priorities get blurry.  Idols slip in front of God being the #1 reason in my life. The more this happens, the more my eyesight gets dim towards my neighbour.  I don’t notice a sad face, I don’t pause to hear an unspoken plea of somebody around me, I coward instead of proclaiming the goodness of the Lord to those around me.

Into this situation, the songwriter has 3 times the wakeup call (v.9):  Trust in the LORD! – you country – you leaders – you His children!

Make Him your #1 priority!  And then from Him will flow His blessings to the country, leaders, His children.


Have regularly times of Bible reading and prayer with God.

Set an alarm throughout your day as a reminder to “Praise the Lord”!

Have visual reminders in your home of God first!

On my kitchen wall in big letters we have written our motto, “Know God and make Him known”.

What will your reminders include?

Annette Faszer


  • For those who need to be encouraged in heart and united in love.
  • Pray through the prayer section in our online program.
  • Pray for our Congregational Life Pastor, Mike Bartusek and his family.
  • Pray for our Hospitality Coordinator, Irene Dickau.