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Devotional Guide for Tuesday, January 12

Isaiah 49:1-12


God’s people had lost their identity and their faith. They were alienated from their land (exiled to Babylon), and their God (their Temple) was destroyed. In this desperate situation, Isaiah declared hope. This hope was in the coming of the Messiah. He was called already in His mother’s womb – carefully planned by God. His message would pierce all who would hear it, and He would glorify the Father as His Servant. Even the Messiah expressed the feeling that at times He was labouring in vain, yet He placed the results in God’s hand. His mission was not just to bring Jacob and Israel back to restoration, but His mission was much larger, making them a light to the Gentiles, so that salvation would reach the ends of the world.


The theme of redemption and restoration in Scripture is traceable throughout. God’s work in our lives is not just to benefit us, but to use our story to reach others. His work of compassion and provision in our lives creates a pathway for others to also take part in the Kingdom. May all who come behind us, find us faithful!

Pastor Jerilyn


  • For those who need to be encouraged in heart and united in love.
  • Pray through the prayer section in our online program.
  • Pray for our Congregational Life Pastor, Mike Bartusek and his family. 
  • Pray for our Hospitality Coordinator, Irene Dickau. 
  • Pray for Erin Gibbard, Youth Ministry Assistant.
  • Pray for all our small group leaders and our Small Group Intern, David Unsworth.