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Devotional Guide for Wednesday, February 24

John 13:1-7


Have you ever considered why the authors of the Gospels included slight details in their writings? Take a look at verse 2. Why include that Judas’ father was Simon? Ever notice that? Which Simon? There are many. There is a solid argument to be made that it was Simon the Pharisee, also known as Simon the Leper. There is good reason to believe he is also the father of Martha, Mary, Lazarus. Yup, those are all people very close to Jesus. They also share that they have all had very broken pasts. For some, this brokenness brought them to revere Jesus. For others, the ways of Jesus were too much of a leap (like father, like son). This Jesus with the scandalous birth story that resulted in a baby slaughter; the one whose family thought He was crazy (Mk3:20-22) and tried to have Him conform; the Jesus that was found ministering more often in the streets with the oppressed than in the sanctuary with the religious elite. What questions do you have for this Jesus? Might Jesus’ answer in verse 7 relate? This Lent season, what would be an indication that you understand His astonishing way of denying self while serving others?

Pastor Dan


  • Pray for the Prime Minister, Premier Kenney, Mayor Iveson, your MP, your MLA, and any other government officials God brings to your mind.
  • Pray for Dave Schneider, our Youth Ministry Pastor as he is on sabbatical, and his intern Monica Rosvall.
  • Pray for Karen Alksne, our Congregational Life Ministry Assistant.
  • Pray for all our small group leaders and our Small Group Intern, David Unsworth.