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Devotional Guide for Wednesday, May 5

Mark 11:1-11


The tensions of this past year, along with the expansive amount of media coverage, has exposed us to a vast array of leadership styles. In the vile gladiator ring south of the 49th parallel, we have watched with aghast as a culture has been ripped apart while evil leaders selfishly inflame their own agendas. One year ago, the Michigan state capital was stormed by an angry group of thugs. Who would have thought it would get worse? Even a brief search of global leaders leaves one longing to be compelled by a leader that remains focused upon serving all, not just those that are of use to them. Jesus never allowed the fanfare, nor the criticism to waver His calling. He was aware of how swift a ‘Hosanna’ will become ‘Crucify him’, or a ‘I’ll not deny you’ will become ‘I never knew him’. Verse 11 is a little anti-climactic. Jesus didn’t storm the walls of the temple. Instead, I believe He was grieved that the walls were in the temple, that there was a separation between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have nots’, that there was a system of exclusion. Perhaps that strengthened Him to fulfil His calling of serving all humanity. What bias is crippling you from fulfilling your calling to serve all people? Let’s talk about it.          

Pastor Dan


  • Pray for the Prime Minister, Premier Kenney, Mayor Iveson, your MP, your MLA, and any other government officials God brings to your mind.
  • Pray for Dave Schneider, our Youth Ministry Pastor and his intern Monica Rosvall.
  • Pray for Karen Alksne, our Congregational Life Ministry Assistant.
  • Pray for all our small group leaders and our Small Group Intern, David Unsworth.