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Devotional Guide for Friday, January 11

John 3:22-36

How does it feel when you do something and do not receive the praise or accolades that you think you are ‘deserved?’ I know it can be pretty challenging for me, but today through our reading I am reminded of why the accolades of others is not what this life is about. Having already met John the Baptist, we now get a glimpse into his heart. John understood that his entire ministry had to do with preparing the way for Jesus and making His name great. In fact, John’s attitude was such that the more Jesus was glorified and the less he was glorified, his joy would be complete! These verses do not invite us to a sort of false humility where we think lowly of ourselves. Rather, they invite us to find our joy in life and ministry when Jesus’ name is made great by how we treat others, talk about Him, and engage with the world. 
Application to go deep: What are some areas of your life where you feel you must ‘decrease’ so Jesus ‘increases’ in your life? 
Application to go wide: How do you talk about Jesus? Take some time to read what John says about Jesus. Can you talk about Him this way to your believing or non-believing friends? 

Pastor Daunavan


  • Pray for our Lead Team Pastor, Terry Okken. 
  • Pray for Erin Gibbard, Youth Ministry Assistant.
  • Pray for all our small group leaders. 
  • Pray for the ministry of International Student Ministries.
  • Pray for our Children’s Ministry Assistant, Kyla Mould.