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Preparation for Sunday, October 20

Philippians 1:27-30

Today as Pastor Dan continues the series entitled “20/20 Vision; Life as God Intends” through Philippians, we will have opportunity to gain vision on how to live a life worthy of the gospel.God invites us into a life that is truly good news  , not only for us, but for all of those we are able to influence. As we journey alongside others, God empowers us to joyfully persevere through the opposition that we are guaranteed to encounter. 

As you read the passage, listen to how God is inviting you to shed any encumbrances that prevent you from living the adventure He promises. What are some great stories from your life that draw others to the glory of God? What are some dreams that God is gifting you with that scare you?

Pastor Dan


  • Pray for all those attending McKernan, as well as Christians around the world, to fearlessly embrace the journey of adventure that Jesus desires for us to live.  
  • Pray for our Children’s Ministry Director, Jerilyn Bayer, her interns Bailey Garbutt, Blythe Knapczyk, Emma Chang, Katia Huellstrung, Kesia Silva, Kiersten Moline, Precious Okome, Sunita Faszer,  and her Ministry Assistant Annette Faszer.