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Devotional Guide for Friday, February 21

Matthew 13:1-23

One of the most powerful ways to get to the heart of something is to tell a story. Jesus understood this and, because of this He taught in parables. Today we get to read a profound parable: Jesus’ description of why He uses stories, and a rare interpretation of the parable (which tells me it was important to Jesus that His disciples really understood what He was talking about). As Jesus explains to His followers, He told parables because He knew that those who were hungry for the things of God would “see” and “hear” what He was trying to teach them because their hearts were engaged. Those who simply wanted to listen carefully and look closely with “dull hearts” would not understand. In a brilliant move, Jesus’ parable, the parable of the sower, is all about the condition of our hearts when we receive God’s word. Are we hungry for God, longing to grow in relationship with Him? Then the Word will produce fruit in us. Are our hearts closed off because of a lack of understanding, a lack of depth, or love for things of this world? Then the seeds of God’s Word that are planted will not take root and produce lasting fruit. 

What is the posture of your heart towards God’s Word? Are you one who engages with your heart, having eyes that see and ears that hear?

Pastor Daunavan


  • Pray for our Lead Team Pastor, Terry Okken. 
  • Pray for Erin Gibbard, Youth Ministry Assistant.
  • Pray for all our small group leaders, and our Small Group Intern Isaac Lee. 
  • Pray for the ministry of International Student Ministries.