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Devotional Guide for Tuesday, October 24

Ephesians 5:22-33


We were on the street handing out Gospels of John. A lady said, “I believe in a higher being” and as she walked on, she called out, “but I am not ready to submit”.

I think about how we humans all struggle with submitting. Today’s Scripture portion sheds some light on this. Paul says in verse 21, “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.”, which helps explain verse 22 (which in Greek has no “submit” in the sentence).

The whole passage talks about our relationship in marriage (and one another) as a picture of Jesus and the church.

If the men are supposed to love their wives as Christ loves the church, would it mean they shouldn’t lord it over their wives as authoritarians? Wives are made as helpers for their husbands (v31). From the start of creation, they were not meant to be their husbands’ slaves.  Their relationship is a give and take. Two people pulling on the same strand.

The men are to love their wives up to the point of laying down their lives: as Christ died for us, the church.  Being responsible leaders.

Jesus says if you want to be great in Gods kingdom, you have to be the servant of all!

Let us live lives of servanthood and submission to each other, to show the world Jesus!

Annette Faszer


  • Pray through the prayer section in our program.
  • Pray for our Congregational Life Pastor, Mike Bartusek and his family.
  • Pray for Dave Schneider, our Youth and Worship Pastor and Erin Gibbard, Youth Ministry Associate.
Categories: Devotional Guide