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Devotional Guide for Friday, October 27

Ephesians 6:10-18


If you were to prepare to play in a hockey game, what equipment would you bring? Certainly, I would hope that one wouldn’t bring a toque, snow pants, a snow jacket, some mittens, and winter boots to play in a hockey game. That could lead to some serious injuries! You’d probably want to invest in some proper hockey equipment!

If we know how to prepare for a hockey game or the winter season with the proper equipment, what does it take to prepare for spiritual warfare as Christians? Paul makes this clear in our passage: truth, righteousness, peace, faith, hope in salvation (reference: 1 Thess 5:8) and the Word of God, which is all supplemented by prayer. Practically, this requires us to accept and follow God’s Word, deny our sins daily, and intentionally look to Christ and our eternity all while praying fervently.

All that to say we can’t fight alone with our own strength. We need to look outside of ourselves and embrace Someone who is infinitely greater than we are if we are to fight against our flesh and the enemy.


If there is one part of the whole armor of God that may be lacking in strength as you withstand the attacks from the enemy, which one would it be and why (vs13-18)?
Pray that God would graciously equip you.

Pastor Nathanael


  • Pray for our childcare team, the children and their families this week. Pray for the Director, Angie Clark.
  • Pray for our Lead Team Pastor, Terry Okken and his family.
  • Pray for our Missions Ministry Assistant, Oleksandr Lushchyk.
  • Pray for our Young Adults Ministry Assistant, Shone Williams.
Categories: Devotional Guide