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Preparation for Sunday, October 29

Galatians 4:21-31
In today’s service, we will be hearing a sermon on the above passage as our “Dwelling in Freedom” series continues.
For now, engage with this passage by employing the Spiritual Discipline of Lectio Divina.
Lectio – Read the passage slowly, even a couple of times. Notice what word or phrase God prompts you with and what feelings arise within you.
Meditatio – Chew on the word or phrase that caught your attention. What is God offering to you? What prayer or action is He calling you to? Meditate on these things with God.
Oratio – Speak with God about what He has said to you. What is the response to what He has given to you? Express your feelings to Him. What is in your heart? Gratitude? Praise? Trust? Repentance? Other?
Contemplatio – After reading the passage this final time, sit with your Abba Father. Contemplate His presence right with you. Rest with Him. Enjoy Him.

  • Pray that those who attend our service today will have a meaningful encounter with God.
  • Pray for our Children’s Ministry Pastor, Jerilyn Bayer and the Children’s Ministry Associate, Annette Faszer.
  • Pray for the Children’s Ministry Assistants Abigail, Adelynn, Amelia, Blythe, Clarissa, Domina, Sylvie and Tia.
Categories: Devotional Guide