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Devotional Guide for Monday, January 22

Matthew 6:19-24


Did you know that in 1977 the first VCRs were priced up to $1400? They were in such high demand people couldn’t wait to get them. So much so was the demand that stores used to rent them out by the evening. That $1400 adjusted for inflation is about $6300 today. That is a lot of money!

These days if you spend any time wandering through a garage sale among the hidden gems that are scattered over the folding tables you can find with amazing regularity old VCR’s and VHS video tapes. The asking price? Not $6000, not $600, not even $60. Often, they can be picked up for $5-10. The very thing that people could not wait to purchase are the very same things that now we can’t wait to get rid of.

Jesus knows about our desire to accumulate bright, shiny, new gadgets. In and of themselves these are not necessarily bad. It is when our desire to have and to store up possessions, money, the things that we desire, that it becomes our sole purpose for living. We have lost sight of what is important. Jesus knows how quickly we can become enslaved to the god of “More”.


What are you investing your time, talent, and treasure in? Will it someday find its way to the garage sale table or Jesus’ banquet table?

Pastor Mike


  • Pray for our Senior Lead Team Pastor, Lyle Buyer, his ministry, and family.
  • Pray for our Church Board members: Beth Cheung, Gerhard Hiob, Hal Reirson, JD Kliewer, Mary Jetha, Mike Ross, Randy Voss, Seth Jansen, Trevor Toews, Uwem Okome.
  • Pray for our Custodians, Adit Gamble, Stan Goodnough and Anne King; Facilities Manager, Joe Richards.
Categories: Devotional Guide