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Devotional Guide for Wednesday, January 31

Matthew 8:18-22


Today we encounter Jesus as He looks us eyeball to eyeball, no intent to wow us with His spectacular power over illness (yesterday) and storms (tomorrow), Rather, the clear directive that separates the fad chasers from those that who “gives what he cannot keep, to gain that which he cannot lose!”

Jesus is not looking for pity; rather, He is laying it out there, as chooses to live and model a life of living simply. Following Jesus shifts our attention from the lust for wealth and decadence to the needs of the poor in spirit and body. Living simply is the way of Jesus.

In verses 21-22, Jesus is not disrespecting the Mosaic Law, as He clearly affirms the role of our elders in 15:1-8. He is awakening those that follow Him to the shocking reality that being buried in “the Promised Land” is not sacred. This place is not their true home. They must not have an unholy attachment. Instead they should hold the physical land with opens hands, pursuing mercy and justice as a demonstration of the radical love of Jesus.

This calling is not attainable without acknowledging that Jesus is Messiah and embracing His Way.


What is Jesus calling you to release to truly grab His guiding hand?
Pray: “Jesus, in your name, I surrender all: my past, my thought life, my future, my desires, my sexuality, my need to have approval, my strengths, my weaknesses, my …”

Pastor Dan


  • Pray for our Prime Minister and Premier, Mayor Sohi, your MP, your MLA, and any other government officials God brings to your mind.
  • Pray for our Worship Ministries Assistant, Daniel Zander.
  • Pray for our Evening Event Hosts, Ethan Okken and Noah Okken
Categories: Devotional Guide