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Devotional Guide for Wednesday, February 21

Matthew 13:31-35


My high school basketball team’s point guard was a skinny little kid while in Jr High, with a troubled childhood as he bounced from one foster home to another. He went on to play and coach university basketball. Nobody would have taken those odds while he was still small.

That’s a little (pun intended) bit like the Kingdom of God/Heaven. Jesus uses many approaches to awaken and captivate His followers. How’s this: baby born in a manger, in the back of the desert’s small town, in a tiny irrelevant land. Why not add to it a band of nobodies called disciples? Not one top of the class elitist Ivy League from the big city.

Today, we expect to find the Kingdom in the mega churches with pastors that write books in between speaking engagements.

Perhaps, a taste of the Kingdom is better found by interacting with a person trying to learn English on a Saturday morning, or in the healing prayer room as a complicated life is listened to through tears and vulnerability.

The Kingdom of God is all around us, and it is rarely revealed with a lot of “shebang and glitz”. There will come a day when every knee bows and tongue confess. Until then, how will you fulfil your calling within God’s “Right side up Kingdom” today?

Pastor Dan


  • Pray for our Prime Minister and Premier, Mayor Sohi, your MP, your MLA, and any other government officials God brings to your mind.
  • Pray for our Worship Ministries Assistant, Daniel Zander.
  • Pray for our Evening Event Hosts, Ethan Okken and Noah Okken
  • Pray for our Hospitality Coordinator, Irene Dickau.
Categories: Devotional Guide