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Devotional Guide for Saturday, February 24

Matthew 14:1-12


In today’s passage we read that John the Baptist spoke out against Herod because his marriage to Herodias was unlawful. Why was this? Herod had a brother named Philip. He fell in love with his brother’s wife Herodias, and in order to marry her, he divorced his current wife without reason. John the Baptist had things to say about that, which landed him in prison. Herod would have executed him, but he feared people’s reaction to that because of John’s popularity. Later John the Baptist was beheaded because again, Herod feared what people would think (his dinner guests).

Herod so strongly feared the opinion of people. He cared about pleasing them and made important decisions based on public opinion. He didn’t fear the opinion of God.

We live in a time where being a Christian and following Jesus isn’t always easy. And it can be tempting to live to please others.

Take a few minutes to think through a few questions:
What does it look like to live to please God and not the people around me?
What situations are you facing right now that are challenging because of your faith?
How is Jesus asking to you follow Him?

Erin Gibbard


  • Pray for Pastor Dan, our Lead Team Pastor and his family.
  • Pray for our Young Adults Pastor, Nathanael Trinh, his ministry, and his family.
  • Pray for our Congregational Life Pastor, Melissa Chaffee and her family.
  • Pray for our Communications Specialist, Katrina Grey.
  • Pray for our McKernan Groups Assistant, Noah Okken.
  • Pray for all our small group leaders.
Categories: Devotional Guide