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Devotional Guide for Wednesday, April 24

1 Timothy 2:1-8


Despite seeing her shortcomings over and over again, Paul maintains a high view of the church.

It is the church that can rise above the polarizing quarrelling of an angry culture.

It is the church that is to de-escalate the name calling and slandering that is so invasive.

It is the church that is to be a stabilizing ballast as we encounter the turmoil with love and peace.

The church will fulfil its calling through prayer. In verse 1 Paul is overflowing with expressions of prayer. He’s throwing every type of prayer in, so that we resist the drift to one that is most comfortable for us. Toss aside the comforts! Pray for the leaders that you align with; pray for the leaders that make you sick to the stomach with their lust for power. They need Jesus!

Use this time for praying this prayer, the prayer requests below and however Jesus leads.


Almighty Father, whose will it is to restore all things in your beloved Son, the King of all: govern the hearts and minds of those in authority, and bring the families of the nations, divided and torn apart by the ravages of sin, to be subject to his/her just and gentle rule; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Pastor Dan


  • Pray for our Prime Minister and Premier, Mayor Sohi, your MP, your MLA, and any other government officials God brings to your mind.
  • Pray for our Worship Ministries Assistant, Daniel Zander.
  • Pray for Karen Alksne, our Congregational Life Ministry Associate.
Categories: Devotional Guide