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Devotional Guide for Wednesday, February 22

WEDNESDAY, February 22

Mark 10:46-52


As in earlier passages, Jesus restores the sight of the person that is blind. I believe Jesus is the only person in Scripture who has the ability to do that. The writers are allowing us to embrace the symbolism that Jesus alone has the ability to give spiritual vision. When we truly trust Jesus, we learn to see what is vital. We’ve read about Jesus using a variety of approaches to giving people vision (spit/no spit, progression of vision/instant, as in today’s passage). I believe Jesus is helping us to see that the power is not in the words or the procedure. Today, there is a movement within Christianity that gives the impression if you use certain words or phrases, there is power that is released; power to heal, protect, and even push back Satan. The words are used as incantations, reminiscent of the Dark Ages, or a Harry Potter book. The power is not in words, but in the Living Word. Jesus Christ alone supplies us with the grace to be in a relationship that trusts Him to lead us. Examine your life. What has become a part of your spiritual practice that you trust more than simply having faith in Jesus?

Pastor Dan


  • Pray for the Prime Minister, Premier Notley, Mayor Iveson, your MP, your MLA, and any other government officials God brings to mind.
  • Pray for Dave Schneider, Youth Ministry Pastor and his interns, Erin Gibbard, Brianna Bukowsky, and Ben Cheung.
  • Pray for our Daycare in its service to children and their families this week. Pray for the director, Kristy Thomas.