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Devotional Guide for Wednesday, July 19

Proverbs 19:16-29


I have walked with probably more than 60 couples for premarital counselling while at McKernan. I’ve asked each one of them to describe how they view the good life. Most honestly express their values, and some have their values align with actions. At some point, most will say that it is good to not only look to their own needs, but care for those that are ‘poor’. But what does that mean? Who are the poor? What image immediately comes to mind? Someone in a third world country? Someone who just isn’t trying very hard? Someone who is drowning in debt to mask their insecurities? Someone who journeys alone? The diversity of the poor, and the complexity of knowing how to really ‘help without hurting’, cripples many of us from sacrificing to help the poor. Scripture could not be more clear about our mandate to help the poor. Can we join and pray this? Compassionate Father, forgive and convict me when my dream for the future lacks a vision for the end to injustices, strife and poverty. Inspire me to break through my stereotypes and fill me with loving courage that comes alongside the poor with avenues of hope.       

Pastor Dan


  • Pray for the Prime Minister, Premier Notley, Mayor Iveson, your MP, your MLA, and any other government officials God brings to mind.
  • Pray for Dave Schneider, Youth Ministry Pastor.
  • Pray for our Daycare in its service to children and their families this week. Pray for the director, Kristy Thomas.