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Devotional Guide for Thursday, September 14

Colossians 1:9-12


Throughout this week we’ve been looking at Paul’s reason for writing to the Colossians.  Today we reach the prayer that is being prayed for each of them.  I encourage you to go back to today’s passage and take note of this prayer.  I know that at times I pray for people with my desires for their lives, but I’m challenged to pray as Paul and Timothy did, for the filling and understanding of God’s will for their lives; that they would know what God desires for them to do and then to live it out faithfully and boldly.  I love how Paul takes this from being a “head” thing to a “heart” action by giving us real examples of what this will look like (vs. 10-12): bearing fruit, growing in our knowledge of God, strengthened by God so we can have endurance and patience, and joyfully giving thanks to God. I love how Paul reminds them that God has “qualified them” to share in this amazing inheritance of the saints.  I pray you will know that this prayer is also for you today.

Pastor Terry


  • Pray for all our small group leaders.
  • Pray for our Pastoral Care Pastors, Sharon Harewood and Christine Okken.
  • This week we are highlighting ourselves as the missionary of the week. McKernan Baptist Church is definitely on a mission! Recently, you’ve heard us say a lot about our core priorities being based in real relationships with God, one another, and our neighbour. Today at our Ministry Fair, you can discover the many opportunities to be involved in the transformative work that Jesus is doing through many wonderful ministries. Come explore, discern and dive into an area that is inviting you to live your life with adventure!