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Devotional Guide for Wednesday, January 10

Luke 5:1-11


Recently we had the opportunity to behold the stark reality that when the Word became flesh, He did so away in a manger, not the lavish palaces that Caesar’s child would be born into. In today’s passage we see the Word, attracting those nearby. However, look carefully and see Jesus again looking to the margins of the culture and including those that others overlook. While we are observing, we’ll also do well to notice that the church is no longer central to the culture. The posture that the church had as being the primary place where people went to when they needed to see how things really are, is in large part no longer. Yet, Jesus consistently goes to the margins to advance His beautiful, grace-filled Kingdom. Have you been reared in the church? Perhaps Jesus is inviting you to go with Him to the margins, where He is already reaching people. Perhaps you have come from the margins and you are still wondering how you fit into a church that seems like an ‘old boys’ club’. How is Jesus inviting you to become a person who goes with Jesus to the margins, offering His values to this culture? Maybe you need to know that Jesus Himself called you from the margins. Either way, how are you following Jesus to bring His spirit empowered mission: reconciliation, justice and hope to this culture?

Pastor Dan


  • Pray for the Prime Minister, Premier Notley, Mayor Iveson, your MP, your MLA, and any other government officials God brings to mind.
  • Pray for Dave Schneider, Youth Ministry Pastor and his interns Ben Cheung and Jessica Del Genio.
  • Pray for our Daycare in its service to children and their families this week. Pray for the director, Kristy Thomas.
  • Pray for our Congregational Life Pastor, Mike Bartusek and his family.