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Devotional Guide for Monday, February 12

Luke 10:25-37


“So, a Priest, a Levite and a Samaritan walked down a road….”

While it sounds like the beginning of a joke, it isn’t.   It is a parable Jesus used to teach a religious leader of the day, and all of us, a lesson in neighbourly kindness.  For the listeners of the day, the actions of the Priest and Levite could be understood as acceptable since this man might be dead, and any assistance offered would render the helper unclean.  With being unclean they would be unable to carry out their important priestly duties. 

Throughout Scripture God reminds us of what is most important to Him, and it is not ceremonial cleanliness.  In more than one place in Scripture God reminds us He is more concerned with what touches our hearts and the state of our inner lives than whether or not we have come in contact with things that get our hands dirty. 

Jesus wants us to see the needs of others and act in such a way that shows His love and kindness to those in need.

Are there situations where we need to step in and show the kindness of Christ, as opposed to skirting the situation to avoid getting our hands dirty?

Pastor Mike


  • Pray for Pastor Lyle, for his family and his ministry.
  • Pray for Eric Peters, Facility Manager; Andrea Tonn, Hospitality Coordinator; Custodians, Adit Gamble, Stan Goodnough and Anne King; Maintenance, Joe Richards.
  • Pray for our Church Board members: Barbara Whidden, Bee Stiansen, Cam Klapstein, Darryl Sparling, Julie Leverette, Marvin Schneider, Matt Barker, Matt Chute, Mike Pedde, and Nick Mitchell.
  • Pray for our office staff: Robin Radke and Naomi Voss; Bookkeeper Lynette Carlson.