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Devotional Guide for Tuesday, February 13

Luke 10:38-42


Of all household chores, I dislike ironing the most!  There was a time that my husband’s cotton shirts, and my kids’ school uniforms required ironing. My attitude was bad and I complained a lot. I shared my dislike with a friend who challenged me to use this time to pray for each household member as I ironed their clothes. This practice brought a complete change in my attitude, and I began doing this chore with joy.

In our Bible reading today we see that Mary and Martha loved Jesus very much. They both wanted to serve Him. The big problem was attitude. We read in verse 38 that “Martha opened her home to him”, so she began her service wanting to host Him with joy.

Martha thought that Mary’s way of serving Jesus was inferior to hers. Her heart began to fill with resentment. She felt it was unfair that she had to work so hard while Mary just sat there.  

As we serve the Lord, we need to examine our attitudes. Did we begin serving with joy and then start to complain and have resentment? Do we feel someone else’s service is inferior? What can we do to cause a change of attitude?

Jerilyn Bayer


  • For those who need to be encouraged in heart and united in love.
  • Ask God to increase your awareness of the wisdom and knowledge in Jesus Christ.
  • Pray through the prayer page in the bulletin.
  • Pray for Pastor Dan, our Lead Team Pastor, his family and his intern Dave Falk.