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Devotional Guide for Tuesday, July 17

TUESDAY, July 17

2 Samuel 2:1-7


David is called a “man after God’s own heart” (1 Samuel 13:14; Acts 13:22) partly because he usually wholeheartedly sought God’s will. In this passage David is once again seeking God’s will. Although he knows he is to be king (he already had been privately anointed), and it is the right time to be anointed publicly because King Saul had died, he still asks God’s specific direction. It seems like the more difficult the situation, the more David demonstrates a growth in godly character. It is a beautiful gesture on David’s part that he seeks to thank and honour the people of Jabesh Gilead because they, out of thankfulness and kindness to Saul, risked their lives to retrieve his body for burial. David does not hold bitterness or wish revenge towards Saul after all the years he spent fleeing from Saul’s pursuit to kill him. This attitude demonstrates his godly character as he continues to honour and be loyal to someone in authority, who had not demonstrated godly character towards him.


How is our attitude towards those who once walked with us, but increasingly have become hostile against us? May God give us a heart that is in tune with His heart!

Jerilyn Bayer


  • For those who need to be encouraged in heart and united in love.
  • Pray through the prayer page in the bulletin.
  • Pray for Pastor Dan, our Lead Team Pastor, his family and his intern Dave Falk.
  • Pray for our Hospitality Coordinator, Irene Dickau.