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Devotional Guide for Tuesday, August 14

TUESDAY, August 14

2 Samuel 18:19-33


I have not been in the presence of a deeper grief than that of a parent who tragically loses their young adult child, especially when this loss is accompanied by rebellion on their part. There is an anguish of not having been able to spare the child of the inevitable consequences of their actions, a lost future, the permanence of a broken relationship, the “what ifs”. We see David’s “Father’s Heart” as he makes it clear that his commanders are to spare Absalom, and once the war is over he asks two times of his well-being. Charles Spurgeon says, “Our children may plunge into the worst of sins, but they are our children still. They may scoff at our God; they may tear our hearts to pieces with their wickedness; we cannot take complacency in them, but at the same time we cannot unchild them, nor erase their image from our hearts.”

David said, “If only I had died instead of you”, and hundreds of years later David’s greater Son did just that. There is a Saviour with a Father’s heart that does not want us to die in our rebellious state, but desires for us to live in a right and precious relationship with Him.

Jerilyn Bayer


Randy Schmor - NAB Gateway

Gateway provides resources (training, equipping, software, tools) that help churches serve cross-culturally and internationally with excellence. They can also provide experience and networking, even in the form of actually leading and training teams/individuals from churches as they serve for the first time. As Gateway Director for NAB, Randy Schmor personally supports, coaches and works with churches as they begin to explore long-term global partnerships. Please pray for Randy as he trains and connects with many of our NAB pastors and leaders as well as maintaining his friendship and connections with the many international ministry leaders that Gateway works with.