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Devotional Guide for Saturday, September 22

Acts 7:54-8:1

It’s hard to imagine what it would have been like to be a part of the early Church in a time when there was so much anger and persecution towards them. Especially living in Canada, it’s hard to wrap my head around this. Generally speaking, most of us don’t face many negative consequences of our faith, but we may be entering into an era where that could change, as the culture shifts more and more away from Biblical morals. After Stephen speaks in front of the Sanhedrin in this passage, there are pretty extreme consequences for him standing up for his faith and proclaiming truth. He had to at least have had some idea that there would be a cost to what he was doing, yet that didn’t deter or dissuade him. He preached the truth he knew. 


What does this mean for us and how we live out our faith? What will we do when we face a situation where there could be consequences for standing up for our faith? How might God be calling us to stand for truth in an everchanging culture?

Pastor Dave


  • Pray that God’s Spirit would work powerfully and effectively in all the various activities taking place on our church calendar this weekend. 
  • Pray for our Young Adults & Worship Arts Pastor, Daunavan Buyer, his family and his interns, Stephen Alksne, Calvin Robert and Austin Voss.
  • Pray for our Congregational Life Pastor, Christine Okken.