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Devotional Guide for Thursday, May 28

Psalm 63

Today’s psalm gives us a snapshot of what it looked like for David to experience a sense of isolation from God (vs 1-2). Even though David feels isolated from God, he begins by declaring his commitment to his relationship with God (v 1).  David speaks of seeing God in the sanctuary which reminds David of God’s power and glory (v 2).  In verse 3 we read that David considers God’s love to be better than life. For David, this meant remaining faithful to God even though he felt isolated from God. Rescue might not come in time, but rather, death might be the outcome. One commentator, when talking about verse 3 spoke of how knowing God and His love is more satisfying than life itself.

As you reflect on this psalm take time to answer the following questions: How would you describe your relationship with God right now? Is your connection with God so important to you that you would sacrifice all your future hopes and dreams to keep connected with Him?

Pastor Terry

Pray for Randy Schmor
Gateway recognizes that NAB churches have a desire to serve and to be connected cross-culturally and globally and that many are already doing so. Gateway also recognizes there are many NAB churches that would like to serve and get involved globally/cross-culturally but need help getting started. Gateway provides resources (training, equipping, software, tools) that help churches serve cross-culturally and internationally with excellence. They can also provide experience and networking, even in the form of leading and training teams/individuals from churches as they serve for the first time. As Gateway Director for NAB, Randy Schmor personally supports, coaches and works with churches as they begin to explore long-term global partnerships. Please pray for Randy as he trains and connects with many of our NAB pastors and leaders as well as maintaining his friendship and connections with the many international ministry leaders that Gateway works with.