We believe that God is at work in the world and He invites us to join Him in what He is already doing. We also believe that everyone has a part to play in God’s unfolding mission and encourage people to discern how God is leading them to be missional with their lives. 

We are very grateful for the missionary energy that we have in our church family at McKernan Baptist Church.  It gives our lives such dignity when we join God in what He is already doing in the world through our prayer, giving, and going.

The McKernan Mission's Magazine tells some of the stories of those missionaries and missions agencies we support through our missions budget. As you read these profiles and stories, may God encourage your heart and fire up your imagination about practical steps you can take to keep in step with His Spirit.

We are all invited to be on mission with God, and trust you will continue to pray fervently for all of us as a church family to be a good and godly neighbour here and around the world.

Thank you to the many hidden heroes who faithfully walk in step with God's Spirit and are on mission with God.

For more information about missions, please contact Pastor Dan.



Our Local Outreach Programs 

McKernan English Language Learning (MELL)

This is a 10-week beginner-level ESL program focusing on everyday living skills while providing an opportunity to develop English skills in a safe and caring environment. Registration is limited to 50 people and classes fill up quickly so visit the MELL web page often to learn when registration opens. Classes are held at the church (Wed evenings and Sat mornings). Apply to volunteer.


Refugee Assistance Ministry (RAM)

RAM plays an active role in assisting immigrants on their entry to Canada as well as the practical preparation of integrating into their new home in Edmonton. Complete our online Connection Card to indicate your interest in volunteering, use our online donation form to contribute to the program (specify that your gift is for RAM), or email Pastor Dan for more information.


Computer Refurbishing Ministry (CRM)

This program accepts donations of used computers and computer equipment. Donations are assessed, securely wiped, and potentially refurbished so that they can be donated to an individual or non-profit org in need. Follow the button to learn more and download an application to see if you qualify for consideration. (Email the completed application to Pastor Dan).


Our Missionary Partners

As a church, we support numerous organizations and people through an annual missions’ budget. To learn more about the individuals and organizations that we support, we invite you to read our online Missions magazine and follow the links beside their names (below).



Aaron ALBU(AIA, Edmonton) ..... Athletes In Action website. Contact Aaron.

Stephen ALKSNE(Edmonton) .....  House of Prayer, Edmonton (HOPE) website

Daunavan BUYER(Edmonton) .....  Get to know Daunavan on the Resurgence website. Contact Daunavan.

Lyndell and Paulo CAMPBELL-REQUIA (NAB, Brazil) .....  Read Lyndell and Paulo’s NAB profiles. Contact Lyndell.

Cornerstone Counselling (Edmonton) .....  Cornerstone website. Contact Cornerstone.

Aaron CRANTON(OSSM, Edmonton) .....  Learn more about the Old Strathcona Street Mission. Contact Aaron.

Crystal DUECK(GEM, Germany) .....  Greater Europe Mission website. Contact Crystal.

John and Juanita FENIAK (Wycliffe, Calgary) .....  Wycliffe website. Contact John.

Sheryl GRUNWALD(AI, Calgary) .....  Learn more about Sheryl’s ministries through Action International, GCF Leadership, and 1 for 50

Jim HALL (HOPE, Edmonton) .....  House of Prayer Edmonton website. Contact Jim.

Tim WIEBE (HMI, Stony Plain) .....  Hockey Ministries International (HMI) website. Contact Tim.

Gary SHORT (ISM, Edmonton) .....  International Student Ministries website. Contact Gary.

Barbara LABREQUE (Wycliffe, Langley) .....  Wycliffe website. Contact Barbara.

Becki LEE (AIA, Guelph) .....  Athletes In Action website. Contact Becki.

Isaac LEE (AIA, Edmonton) .....  Athletes In Action website

Harry & Myrna Lynn LINDENBERG (Desert Streams, Edm) .....  Desert Streams website. Contact Harry.

Brett and Riana LOEWEN (P2C, Edmonton) .....  Power To Change website. Contact Brett and Riana.

Rasem MOREE & Naheda NASER (Navigators, Edm) .....  Navigators website. Contact Rasem.

Yuri NAKANO (NAB, Japan) .....  Get to know Yuri by reading her NAB profile. Contact Yuri.

Hannah NESDOLY (Desert Streams, Edmonton) .....  Desert Streams website. Contact Hannah.

Nick & Iris (NAB) .....  Get to know Nick & Iris by reading their NAB profile. Contact Nick & Iris.

Scott & Olga (Navigators, E. Asia) 

Sam NIKKEL (Resiliency Ministries, Edmonton) .....  Resiliency Ministries website.

Joost and Cheryl PIKKERT (Wycliffe, Indonesia) .....  Get to know the Pikkerts by reading their NAB profile.

Daniela PILZ (AIA, Edmonton) .....  Athletes in Action website. Contact Daniela.

Randy SCHMOR (NAB)..... Gateway website. Contact Randy.

Paul TAN (Navigators, Edmonton) .....  Navigators website. Contact Paul.

Kristi TENCLAY(NAB, Cameroon) .....  Get to know Kristi by reading her NAB profile. Contact Kristi.

John WEBSTER (Young Life, Edmonton) ..... Young Life website. Contact John.



Alberta Baptist Association ..... NAB website

Camp Caroline (Olds) ..... Camp Caroline website. Contact the camp.

Canadian Bible Society ..... Canadian Bible Society website

Chain of Love (Brazil) ..... Chain of Love website. Contact COL.

HOPE (Edmonton) ..... HOPE website

Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) ..... MAF website; testimonial

Missions Fest Alberta (Edmonton) ..... Missions Fest Alberta website. Contact Mfest.

Neighbour Centre / Mustard Seed (Edmonton) ..... Neighbour Centre website. Contact Mustard Seed.

New Dawn Initiative .....  Contact Jeff.

North American Baptist Conference ..... NAB website. Contact NAB.

Priscilla Project (India) .....  Hungry For Life website

Pregnancy Care Centre (Edmonton) ..... PCC website. Contact PCCAbortion Recovery Centre and WAIT! Let’s Talk.

Taylor College and Seminary (Edmonton) ..... Taylor College website