ABOUT Ministries

MBC offers many opportunities to find belonging, personal growth, and community. Some of those opportunities are offered as structured programs and others come in the form of volunteering within the over-arching ministry that organizes those programs.


If you have a heart to become involved in a community of like-minded believers and want to serve in different capacities, prayerfully consider volunteering for one of the ministries below.


Wednesday evening are abuzz at McKernan. Join us at 6:15pm for supper than then stick around for the course that'll run from 7-8:30pm. All are welcome!

Our 2024-25 ministry theme is "Together." To launch this year, we are running the course, "Together with..."

  • Sep 25 - Together with God (Mike Pedde)
  • Oct 2 - Together with my friends and family (Amayindi Danjuma)
  • Oct 9 - Together with  my faith community (Daniel Zander)
  • Oct 16 - Together with culture (David Unsworth)



Life is hard. For those times when you need someone to walk with you through the difficult times, McKernan has programs to connect you with caring people.

28-week group workshop helping people find freedom from unhealthy behaviours and outlooks, through biblical teaching, small group discussion and personal reflection. For more information, contact Pastor Melissa.

When you need a caring ear to provide perspective when walking through life challenges. Visit the Healing Prayer web page or email Pastor Melissa for more information. To request an appointment, complete our online form.

One-on-one caring relationships, those who are hurting receive the love and care they need to support them. Visit the Stephen Ministry web page to learn more or email Pastor Melissa.

If you're going through a hard time or simply want someone to pray with you, we want to connect with you. Complete the confidential online form on our web page and one of our pastors will be in touch with you.


Children's Ministry 

Monday to Friday (7:30am-5:30pm) MBC is home to McKernan Child Development Centre (MCDC), a Christian values childcare program for working parents. Visit MCDC to learn more.

You don’t have to be a parent to volunteer with children (although we do screen our volunteers including a requirement to submit a police background check). Opportunities include helping with Sunday School, Route 56 (Grades 5-6), and occasional events. If you’re not able to serve in-person, consider making yourself available to provide snacks and/or baked goods for the various events.

For more information related to this ministry or specific programs, visit McKernan Kids to learn more about our children programs or email Pastor Jerilyn


If you're interested in helping with Children's Ministry, use the button to access our CM VOLUNTEER form (button below).


Equipping Ministry 

A variety of programs designed to journey through life together in a culture provided, sustained, and guided by Jesus Christ.  Wednesday evening Bible Studies are accompanied by meals and interactive study groups. Other Bible studies are designed to encourage prayer and community as we learn to grow in walking with Jesus! 


Men's Ministry 

Our men’s group exists to provide a safe place for men (18+) to gather for fun, friendship, encouragement, discipleship, and an avenue to give back to the people and the world around us. Activities include our popular Definitely Not Salad night, annual retreat, sports nights (for CFL and hockey fans), and a number of in-house events. Visit our Men's Ministry page, join the email list to be notified of upcoming events, and watch our Events page for related events throughout the year.


We believe that God is at work in the world and He invites us to join Him in what He is already doing. We also believe that everyone has a part to play in God’s unfolding mission and encourage people to discern how God is leading them to be missional with their lives.

If you would like to find out more about the missionaries that we support, visit our Missions page, read our annual Missions magazine, or email Pastor Dan.

McKernan’s outreach ministries include:

Practical ways to become involved in missions apart from our church:


Small Groups 

Groups are for people who are excited to meet during the week for friendship, care, support, spiritual growth, and servanthood. It’s a great channel for building meaningful relationships, keeping each other accountable, and supporting each other through unanticipated life challenges. 

If you’re interested in joining a small group, complete our online form and prayerfully consider whether you’re able to commit to meeting regularly.


Women's Ministry 

At McKernan, we have a vibrant group of women that love to celebrate, disciple, and connect with one another both within and outside of our community. Throughout the year we host special events and Bible studies. We would love for you to join us!

Visit our Women's Ministry page, sign up for our newsletter to receive quarterly updates and upcoming event information, contact Pastor Melissa, and watch our Events page for related events throughout the year.


Young Adults (YA) Ministry 

We pick up where the Youth Ministry leaves off – Young Adults (YA) (age 18-29) from different walks of life coming together for the unified purpose of discovering who God is, who we are, and how He has called each of us to live.

We gather Saturday evenings (7:00-9:00PM) in the Hospitality Area, alternating activities between Bible studies and games (and snacks). Check out the website page or our Instagram page, or email Pastor Nathanael to learn more about upcoming events as well as joining a YA small group. 


Young at Heart Ministry 

This intergenerational group of older adults (55+) enjoys unique fellowship opportunities ranging from Hymn Sing evenings, road trips, and in-house events.  If you’re looking for a place to get to know people in this age group to share life experiences and grow in your faith walk, consider coming out to our events. Watch for them in our bulletin and our Events page


Youth Ministry 

We LOVE teenagers! And we love creating the space for Junior/Senior high school students to be themselves while discovering the God who made them. Our goal for this group is to build a solid foundation of truth, explore questions of faith, and learn to live as light and love.

Regular activities include Midweek (Wednesday evenings), Youth Fridays, and Small Group Nights. Visit our Youth page to learn more or email Pastor Dave. Download our 2023/24 Activity Calendar.