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Devotional Guide for Wednesday, September 16

Isaiah 9:1-7


Chances are you are reading this while living in Canada. Canada is amongst a handful of countries that are designated as being the safest places in the world. Contrast that with countries that are designated as being the most dangerous which include: Pakistan, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, and Sudan. In these countries (all within the 10/40 window) terrorist attacks upon the innocent, chronic civil strife, and people that are overwhelmed with grief, anger and fear are abundant. For the people in these unreached countries the image of warrior boots and garments soaked with blood (v5) are a regular occurrence. There are no quick fixes to terrorism or tribalism. Many of these people are walking in darkness, and if there is any hope of a light to be seen (v1), it will come from a movement that has Jesus at its core. If there is any hope of reconciliation, it will be because the Prince of Peace is embraced. As you read today’s passage, resist envisioning cute candlelight Christmas Eve services. Jesus the Warrior is going into the most desperate of countries and is calling out for those that love Him to be involved in this monumental work of peace.


What if we took more seriously the command to “strive for peace with everyone” (Heb.12:14)? What if we decided to “seek peace and pursue it” (Psalm 34:14)? How is Jesus calling you to be involved more earnestly in the 10/40 window countries?

Pastor Dan


  • Pray for the Prime Minister, Premier Kenney, Mayor Iveson, your MP, your MLA, and any other government officials God brings to mind.
  • Pray for Dave Schneider, our Youth Ministry Pastor.
  • Pray for Karen Alksne, our Congregational Life Ministry Assistant.