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Devotional Guide for Saturday, June 19

2 Peter 2:1-22


The passage for today is about false teachers. They are described in the text as being among the people of the church. They secretly introduce teaching that is destructive, and as verse 2 reveals, “many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the truth into disrepute.” Peter condemns these false teachers and gives a detailed description of what they look like.

Instead of encouraging people to love and obey God with holy living, these people instead used the freedom they had in Christ as a license to sin. Verse 18 tells us that they enticed people by “appealing to the lustful desires of the flesh.” They used God’s grace and freedom as an excuse to indulge themselves in sin. These teachers promised freedom but they themselves are slaves of corruption, “for whatever overcomes a person, to that he is enslaved” (verse 19).


Take a moment and contemplate what grace means – not as freedom TO sin but freedom FROM sin.

Erin Gibbard


  • Pray for our Young Adults & Worship Arts Pastor, Daunavan Buyer, his family and his interns, Julia Brown, and Grant Mix.
  • Pray for our Daycare staff, the children and their families this week. Pray for the Director, Kristy Thomas.
  • Pray that God’s Spirit would work powerfully and effectively in all the various Ministry Groups in our church this week as we face challenges of “being together”.