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Devotional Guide for Thursday, July 22

Proverbs 12:14-28


“Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” (v18) Have you ever been stung by a careless word? Been in a group of people and someone thoughtlessly tosses a sarcastic word at you or maybe thinks they are being funny and says something that really hurts?

The challenge with words is that they are a bit like toothpaste in a tube. Once words are out of your mouth, they can’t be brought back. It doesn’t matter if you say, “Oh, I was just kidding”. Try putting toothpaste back into a tube; it is almost impossible to do it. Once you’ve spoken your words, they are out there.

As Jesus followers, we are to be known by our love. Love for God and our neighbour. One way we can demonstrate the love we have received from God to those around us is to use our words carefully. Let’s be known as people who bring healing, encouragement, and hope with our words.  

Pastor Terry

Pray for Sydney Alessandrini

Sydney works with the inner-city community at Hope Mission. Hope mission is an organization that works to provide meals to struggling people who are unemployed or homeless.  Each day Hope Mission provides over 1000 meals and shelter for over 500 people. In Edmonton, Hope Mission have programs assisting in meal and critical care, addiction recovery and spiritual care, shelter and Housing, as well as Kids and Youth Outreach programs.
Our mission is to provide compassionate care and offer hope to the hurting and hopeless people in Edmonton. Please pray that our transition and reopening of services such as the Hope Bargain Shoppe goes well as well as for our summer camps.