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Devotional Guide for Tuesday, July 28

Psalm 136


In the evening as my Mom, Dad and I sit in the living room, we often begin a conversation with, “Remember when….” To this, each of us add our recollections and we go on a tour down “memory lane”, recounting events, blessings, people, and lessons learned. For the Israelites, Psalm 136 was somewhat like our conversation, inviting them to come close to God, recognize His actions, and be reminded that through it all, “His love endures forever”. This Psalm was part of their worship, sung antiphonally. As the leaders declared the “reason” for praise, the congregation would respond with “His love endures forever” or as The Message translation says, “His love never quits!”. It may seem strange to us that there is so much repetition, and yet we see repetition in the Psalms as a vital way of learning their history, and mindfully engaging the congregation in thanksgiving. The first portion of this Psalm praises God for His character, position, power, wisdom and creation. The second portion describes God’s acts of deliverance for His people. The final portion reminds everyone that He is a “promise keeper” and sustainer of all life.


Take some time to compose your personal Psalm, following the same outline. End each phrase with “His love endures forever”, or “His love never quits!”.

Pastor Jerilyn


  • For those who need to be encouraged in heart and united in love.
  • Pray through the prayer section in our online program.
  • Pray for our Congregational Life Pastor, Mike Bartusek and his family.
  • Pray for our Hospitality Coordinator, Irene Dickau.