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Tuesday Morning Bible Study

10:am to Noon

How can we move from knowing about God to following Christ in our daily walk? We know that faith without action and without life change leads to a dead faith. How can we change into a roll-up-your-sleeves and get-your-hands dirty discipleship?

No registration required, all are welcome.

More information on start date and topic will be posted soon!

Wednesday Morning Bible Study

9:30 to 11:30am

You’re welcome to join us Wednesday mornings, 9:30-11:30 AM, in the hospitality area for Bible study, prayer and friendship. Anyone. Any age. If you have any questions you can contact jeannie:

More information on start date and topic will be posted soon!

Ukrainian Bible Study

Join us for a Ukrainian (non-English) worship service in the Chapel. Everyone is welcome.

Join us Friday evenings in the Chapel area, 7-9:00PM.