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Devotional Guide for Friday, October 11

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

Something that unites all of humanity is that, at one point or another, our lives will end. The reality of death is something we don’t want to talk about but it impacts all of us in one way or another. Many of us have lost loved ones close to us or had our own ‘near death experiences’. Whenever these things happen, our reflection on death can impact how we live our lives. Today’s passage is Paul’s basic instruction on how we are to grieve when a loved one who is in relationship with Jesus passes away. We are to grieve with hope. Our hope is not found in a wishful idea about ‘a better place,’ it’s not found in a moralistic scale that asks, “Did they do more good than bad?” Our hope is found in the reality that Christ is coming back to Earth and, when He does, those who are ‘in Him’ will have the amazing reality of dwelling in perfect relationship with Him forever. Our lives are but a small blip in the grand scheme of eternity. 

How does this passage provide hope for you today? This passage doesn’t say that we cannot grieve (grief is important), but it does say that we do not grieve like those who have no hope. What does it look like for you to grieve with hope? 

Pastor Daunavan


  • Pray for our Lead Team Pastor, Terry Okken. 
  • Pray for Erin Gibbard, Youth Ministry Assistant.
  • Pray for all our small group leaders, and our Small Group Intern Isaac Lee. 
  • Pray for the ministry of International Student Ministries.