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Devotional Guide for Friday, March 20

Matthew 19:16-30

I found a  New York Times article (from mid-2019) that states, “average middle class Canadians are among the most wealthy people in the world.” In light of this, I think it should cause us to reflect when we read these words of Jesus: “...only with difficulty will a rich person enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” Prior to His statement, Jesus interacted with a very rich man who wanted to know how he could be assured of eternal life. Jesus’ response to him got to what that man valued more than anything. “Sell everything you have, give the money to the poor, and follow Me”. The rich man, in his pride, wanted to be able to earn salvation without having to truly offer his heart to Jesus, and follow Him with everything. Following Jesus means that we need to have Him be the first and foremost authority in our lives and in our hearts. Nothing should hold on to our hearts above Christ. He may not be asking us to sell everything we have and give the money to the poor, but what is He asking us to do? Are we willing to go where He leads us, following Him above everything else?

Pastor Daunavan


  • Pray for our Lead Team Pastor, Terry Okken and his family. 
  • Pray for Erin Gibbard, Youth Ministry Assistant.
  • Pray for all our small group leaders, and our Small Group Intern Isaac Lee. 
  • Pray for the ministry of International Student Ministries.