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Devotional Guide for Thursday, December 3

Genesis 12:1-4


When we think of the Advent story, we often think of Mary and Joseph, but have we ever stopped to think further back into the Advent story? Today’s passage is a great reminder that God calls us into something bigger than ourselves for a reason. God promised to make Abram into a great nation, but first he had to leave all that he knew and follow God into the unknown. God promised to show Abram where to go as they went along the journey, but the first step was for Abram to trust and follow. Have you ever been challenged to leave the comfort of “home” for something less comfortable or unknown? Did you go? Are you the type that needs to know the outcome before you commit to something? What is God calling you to do that might be out of your comfort zone?

Pastor Terry

Pray for the Pregnancy Care Centre

We can all probably think of someone we know that has had an unintended pregnancy. The feelings that can be swirling around can be very paralyzing. Sometimes so much so, that they might feel their only option is abortion. At the Pregnancy Care Centre, they will receive unconditional love and information education on all their options. We understand that when in a pregnancy crisis, no option is easy. However, all the information is needed to make a decision. They will receive support and help in areas that may have felt hopeless. We will be there for as long as is needed.
For the woman who has chosen or been forced into an unwanted abortion and is suffering from grief, anxiety or many of the other negative emotions, we have an Abortion Recovery Centre. It is place to come and journey with a client advocate who will companion her through the healing journey. Thank you McKernan Baptist for your continued support.