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Devotional Guide for Monday, October 11

Romans 13:8-10


I imagine you may have heard about the Golden Rule. Some people would try to convince you that it is “the one who has the gold, makes the rules.” I would argue that the true Golden Rule might be the antithesis of that sentiment. The spirit of this rule is, rather than lording over people due to financial advantage, love people because their inherent worth is equal to yours. 
The direct statement “love your neighbor as you love yourself” is found eight times in Scripture, once in Leviticus, four times in the gospels, twice Paul gives us this instruction, as well as James. Jesus, in the parable of the good Samaritan, clarifies our neighbour to be anyone who we encounter, regardless of whether we are like them or not.  For some people, we might find it easy to live by this rule. For others it might take more effort, sometimes much more effort. 


Who is easy for you to love as you love yourself? Who is difficult to practice this command with? Make no mistake, this rule to live by is not optional for us as believers. Jesus refers to it in Matthew 22 as a commandment equal to the greatest commandment we have been given. 

Pastor Mike


  • Pray for our Church Board members: Barbara Whidden, Cam Klapstein, Darryl Sparling, Gerhard Hiob, Hal Reirson, JD Kleiwer, Lia Daniels, Matt Chute, Randy Voss, Seth Jansen, Tyler Elmgren, and Uwem Okome.
  • Pray for our Senior Lead Team Pastor, Lyle Buyer, his family and his ministry.
  • Pray for our Custodians, Adit Gamble, Stan Goodnough and Anne King; Facilities Manager, Joe Richards.
  • Pray for our office staff: Robin Radke, Jane Hao, Naomi Voss; Bookkeeper Lynette Carlson.