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Devotional Guide for Saturday, January 15

Luke 3:23-37


I will be the first to admit that I often skip over genealogies in the Bible. The long lists of names are difficult to make sense of and sometimes even pronounce! 2 Timothy 3:16 says, “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” So even genealogies have a purpose!

The genealogy of Jesus is listed in our passage for today. The gospel of Matthew also contains this genealogy, although it looks different. Matthew’s begins with Abraham while Luke’s starts with Joseph and goes back all the way to Adam. Matthew wants to emphasize for his Jewish audience that Jesus came from the royal line of David and is the Messiah. Luke emphasizes Jesus’ humanity. By going all the way back to the beginning to Adam, Luke highlights that Jesus came for all people. He came for both Jews and Gentiles. No one is excluded from this list! No matter how worthy or unworthy you feel, Jesus came for you. He also came for your coworker, your neighbour, your family member, and your friend who doesn’t know Jesus.

Take a moment to pray for someone in your life that doesn’t know Jesus yet.

Erin Gibbard


  • Pray for Pastor Dan, our Lead Team Pastor and his family. Pray for his intern, David Unsworth.
  • Pray for our Digital Communications and Worship Ministries Intern, Julia Brown.
  • Pray for our College & Career interns, Kiersten Moline and Alyssa Schroth.
  • Pray for our Lead Team Pastor, Terry Okken and his family.
  • Pray for our Young Adults Pastor, Nathanael Trinh, his ministry, and his family.
  • Pray for our Congregational Life Pastor, Melissa Chaffee and her family.