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Devotional Guide for Tuesday, October 27

Isaiah 40:18-26


“With whom, then, will you compare God?” Isaiah knows, humanity will struggle with that question throughout the ages. We try to explain Him, we try to understand His ways.  We even make little idols (v19, 20) to try and make Him more comparable.  We take our measures and limitations and apply them to God. But Isaiah goes on to answer that question, showing us how little we are in the sight of the LORD: like grasshoppers, like chaff. The suggestion to lift your eyes and look to the heavens brings a lot of perspective to us humans.  Do we know how many stars are out there? UCSB ScienceLine writes: “There are about 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in space; this amount is about equal to the number of grains of sand on ALL of the beaches on planet Earth! That is a lot! Our galaxy, the Milky Way, has approximately 100 billion stars in it, but the Milky Way is not the only galaxy in the universe. There are about 10 billion galaxies in the observable universe!” They have not even discovered all the stars there are.  And God calls forth each by name. Not one of them is missing!


Search youtube: “Have we made our God too small” . Listen to the song and be inspired to worship our holy, mighty and powerful God!

Annette Faszer


  • For those who need to be encouraged in heart and united in love.
  • Pray through the prayer section in our online program.
  • Pray for our Congregational Life Pastor, Mike Bartusek and his family.
  • Pray for our Hospitality Coordinator, Irene Dickau.