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Devotional Guide for Friday, December 9

Luke 1:26-56


Luke does something spectacular in this passage. Previously in Luke 1:18, Zechariah received news that he would receive a promised son.  His response was, “How shall I know this?” The majority of people in Zechariah’s position, advanced in years as was Elizabeth, would probably want confirmation of any kind.

When Mary received the news of a promised son, she asked a completely different question, “How will this be?” Mary’s default reaction was not to ask for confirmation, but how it would happen. In other words, she fully believed in the angel’s promise – she believed it to be true. How will this miracle take place?

The virgin birth is without question God’s possible impossibility. At times, life can seem overwhelming. Perhaps there is family heartbreak and there are challenges mending a particular relationship. Maybe it seems impossible for that friend that you deeply love to come to know Jesus. Maybe there’s financial difficulty, unexpected loss and suffering, or sin that seems unforgiveable.

If God is able to make the impossible possible, there is nothing that He can’t restore, reconcile, forgive or save. At times, God’s work may come in a different form and not what you expected, but nonetheless, it will always be for your good.


How does Mary’s response encourage you to place your hope in what God can do, despite not having all the answers?

Pastor Nathanael


  • Pray for our childcare team, the children and their families this week. Pray for the Director, Kristy Thomas.
  • Pray for our Audio/Visual Director, Grant Mix.
  • Pray for our Lead Team Pastor, Terry Okken and his family.
  • Pray for our Communications Specialist, Katrina Grey.
Categories: Devotional Guide