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Devotional Guide for Friday, January 27

John 8:1-11


This was a trap that was laid out for Jesus: stone the woman and lose trust from the sinners He came to save as well as breaking Roman law or not stone the woman and mistreat the law of Moses (Deut. 22).

But Jesus outsmarted this entrapment and replied on his own terms. According to rabbinic law, two or three witnesses was required in order for there to be a death penalty, which no one claimed they saw the act of adultery. However, this story is not just about Jesus’ superior knowledge, but one of forgiveness.

James Boice, an American theologian, tells of an illustration he used to minister to a young man. There was a man who was walking in the dark, that got splashed by a car. As he walked toward the street light, he gradually noticed the stains on his clothes.  Unable to take it anymore, he turned around, headed home and put on clean clothes.  The young man told Boice, “My problem is that I don’t have any clean clothes.”

Jesus offers us clean clothes. Jesus offers forgiveness.


How has God’s full and complete act of forgiveness, which was demonstrated on the cross, changed you?
Is there an area in your life where you have yet to embrace the fullness of God’s forgiveness?

Pastor Nathanael


  • Pray for our childcare team, the children and their families this week. Pray for the Director, Kristy Thomas.
  • Pray for our Audio/Visual Director, Grant Mix.
  • Pray for our Lead Team Pastor, Terry Okken and his family.
  • Pray for our Communications Specialist, Katrina Grey.
Categories: Devotional Guide