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Devotional Guide for Wednesday, May 24

Genesis 24:1-27


I’ve never taken count, but as far as questions that people have asked me to help them discern, “Should I marry, and if so, who?”, has got to be in the top three.

It’s possible that reading today’s story may encourage you to trust in the providential guidance of God in your life. However, perhaps it makes you cynical as you roll your eyes and say, “of course, things like this happen in Scripture. Red Sea opening, flaming torch, burning bush, and even a fleece, and now thirsty camels are being watered.” It all seems so “way out there”.

We are tempted to make cute Sunday school lessons out of these stories, while we silently yearn for some certainty of God caring about our own life.

The fact that you are reading this is a pretty good indication that you desire to be a “spiritual person”. That is, one who acknowledges more than what can be accepted as being “natural”. If I’m not wrong about you, then your spirituality is going to have to be evident on more than just the mountain top experiences, but also on the daily ordinary existence. St. Teresa once said, “Christ dwells among the pots and pans.” Make a habit of walking with Jesus in the ordinary and you’ll see Him a lot more in the spectacular.

Who is Jesus calling you to go to today with this reminder that Jesus has not forgotten them, rather, He is with them through you?

Pastor Dan


  • Pray for our Prime Minister and Premier, Mayor Sohi, your MP, your MLA, and any other government officials God brings to your mind.
  • Pray for all our small group leaders.
Categories: Devotional Guide