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Devotional Guide for Thursday, April 11

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18


Life is hard. We are going to face challenges and losses. We will grieve, mourn, and miss those who are no longer with us. All of this is normal, but Paul is telling the Thessalonians to not grieve and mourn as people with no hope.

A question Paul may have been trying to answer was, "what happens if someone dies before Jesus returns?" It is hard for us to think in these terms because it has been so many years already since Jesus ascended into heaven and promised to return, but for Paul’s readers this was a very real question.

Paul reminds the readers that his reason for believing they should not face death with dread or despair but rather with hope, is based on believing God will do for them what He has already done in the resurrection of Jesus. Death is no longer a permanent condition for those who put their faith and trust in Jesus. The living and the dead will be reunited with God one day, and this truth should help us live as people of hope.

Pastor Terry

Pray for Jason and Erin Bergman (Romania)

The Bergmans have returned to North America after serving as NAB missionaries for 2 ½ years in Romania. It is hard to overestimate the cost to a family who answers God’s call to go to the mission field, but it is even more difficult to overestimate the impact a family can make in missions. In the time they have spent on the field, they have made connections, built relationships, and invested in their neighbors, coworkers, and students – all this with a deep desire and passion that God would be glorified and made known in the work they did. Please pray for the family as they transition back to life in Canada; we trust God has places for each of them to use their passion and commitment to Christ and His Kingdom.

Categories: Devotional Guide