Have you ever killed an animal? Have you ever witnessed the last seconds of an animal’s life? It’s a brutal experience.
Throughout the Old Testament we read of animals being sacrificed to Yahweh. Today it is 700 oxen and 7000 sheep. Pause and let that sink in. That means the horrible sounds of terrorized beasts, blood flowing and the smell of burnt flesh filled the air.
Stage one: God gives clear command.
Stage two: God has authority and power to demand obedience.
Stage three: Reconciliation between man and God requires blood sacrifice.
We do not have what it takes to do this on our own. All the horrific OT sacrifice points to the only One that can once and for all, be a worthy sacrifice. All our sin would be upon Jesus (2 Cor.5:21). He is our only hope. It is only by accepting His shed blood purchased our righteousness, that we can live a fulfilled life.
Are you tired of trying to gain fulfillment while limiting your acceptance of what Jesus has done for you? Come to Jesus. Accept that His shed blood has already made things right.
Let’s talk about it.
Pastor Dan
- Pray for our Prime Minister and Premier, Mayor Sohi, your MP, your MLA, and any other government officials God brings to your mind.
- Pray for Dave Schneider, our Youth and Worship Pastor and Erin Gibbard, Youth Ministry Assistant.
- Pray for all our small group leaders.