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Devotional Guide for Monday, August 8

2 Chronicles 27:1-9


How do you see things? How is your vision? I have failing eyes; without corrective lenses my life would encounter significantly more challenges.

The Bible has multiple examples of people with vision issues; blind being given sight, and those who have sight being unable to see. In Isaiah 5 it says, “woe to those”, or how unfortunate are those, “who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness…”. Ergo, if we deliberately choose to see things incorrectly it will not go well for us.

Jotham, we are told, does what is right in the eyes of the Lord. The challenge here for us is to recognize that our own eyes can fail us, and we might see things not for what they are, but for what we may want them to be.

So how do we understand what is right in God’s eyes? The short answer is to spend time in God’s Word and see what is important to God. One key passage is Matthew 22:34-40 which talks about loving God with all our heart and then loving our neighbour. Another would be Micah 6:8 which talks about acting justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God. I pray that we would each day see more and more of life with God’s eyes.  

Pastor Mike


  • Pray for our Senior Lead Team Pastor, Lyle Buyer, his ministry and family.
  • Pray for our Church Board members: Gerhard Hiob, Hal Reirson, JD Kliewer, Lia Daniels, Mike Ross, Randy Voss, Seth Jansen, Trevor Toews, Uwem Okome.
  • Pray for our Custodians, Adit Gamble, Stan Goodnough and Anne King; Facilities Manager, Joe Richards.
  • Pray for our Office Administrator Naomi Voss and Bookkeeper Lynette Carlson.
Categories: Devotional Guide