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Preparation for Sunday, November 27

Revelation 3:14-22
Today Pastor Lyle will continue a series of sermons on the letters recorded in Revelation 2 and 3 that were written by Jesus to seven different first-century churches.   This morning we’ll explore the final letter, which was addressed to the church in the ancient city of Laodicea. Like the city itself, the church was quite proud, with a sense of self-sufficiency. Yet Jesus sees their real condition and calls them poor, naked and blind. There is a powerful note of grace in the letter, however, as Jesus assures them He is at the door of their hearts, knocking and waiting to be invited to come in with His restoring power. Where they had aligned their story to the life-numbing stories of their context, He is inviting them back to His life-giving story.

  • On this first Sunday of Advent, we light the candle representing Christ’s love. How might Jesus be lovingly inviting you back to Himself, to realign the story of your life with His eternal, life-giving story?
  • Ask God to work in your heart and in the hearts of all who will be attending our services online or in person today.


  • Pray that those who are new to the church will be welcomed and find meaningful relationships.
  • Pray for our Children’s Ministry Pastor, Jerilyn Bayer.
  • Pray for the Children’s Ministry Associate, Annette Faszer. Pray for the Children’s Ministry Assistants: Abigail, Amelia, Blythe, Clarissa, Domina, Jenna, Sarah, and Sunita.


Categories: Devotional Guide